
Our Services I


Here to provide professional & personable design services to you. Transform your existing space, or start from scratch, with Draft to Dwelling Designs.

Taking a space and breathing new life into it, has the power to positively impact your mood, family dynamic & lifestyle.

Residential Services For Any Project

Design services that delivers quality work in a timely manner, to aid in keeping your home projects organized and cost effective, while supplying loads of creativity.

  • Small Scale Residential Service

  • Service Categories

    One-time client/designer consult for creative suggestions/solutions to any room in your home - up to 1.5hours

    One-time client/designer consult for a professional opinion on client gathered finishes - up to 1.5hours

    Exterior design drawings + consultation

  • Large Scale Residential Projects

  • Service Categories

    Residential New Build Design & Drawing Package

    Residential Addition Design & Drawings on existing structures

    Kitchens/Bathrooms & other large scale renovations

  • Coming Soon: Design Course for DIY Lovers

  • Details

    This course will be a one-time fee to provide you with a wealth of knowledge on colour theory, interior finish material properties & how best to apply/incorporate them into your spaces, right down to figuring out the best furniture configurations & pieces to use based on your personal space. Stay tuned!

Residential Design & Drafting Services

Draft to Dwelling Designs is always looking forward to hearing from you!